In response, lawmakers are preparing new legislation aimed at quickly fixing the problem of record high oil and food prices or, as one Committee Staffer put it, to "help American families right now". 作为回应,议员们正在准备新的立法,旨在解决石油和食品价格创历史新高问题,或者按一个委员会的工作人员所称的“帮助美国家庭,马上行动”。
In term of population immigration, legislation should be laid down to narrow the personalist functions of villagers committee and extend its territorialist functions. 针对人口流入,立法上应该缩小村委会属人主义职能的管理范围,扩大属地主义职能的管理范围。
If the two chambers cannot immediately agree on how to pass identical legislation, the bill will be sent to a joint committee. 如果两院不能立即就同一法律一致,议案会被送到一个共同委员会。
It has been controversial in the legislation and judicial circles that whether the Committee of Owners can bring a civil action to the Court as a civil litigating party. 业主委员会能否作为民事诉讼主体提起民事诉讼,立法界和司法界一直存在争议。
Last week, President George W. Bush signed legislation to strengthen scrutiny by the Committee on foreign investment in the us that advocates of foreign investment hope will reduce uncertainty in the future. 最近,美国总统乔治布什(georgew.bush)签署立法,加强了美国外国投资委员会(committeeonforeigninvestments)的审查力度。
Section 3 gives some legislation advice about qualification system, appointing and deposing system, salary system of Independent Director, and setting up special committee in directorate. 第三部分,就独立董事的资格制度、任免制度、薪酬制度和在董事会下设专门委员会提出立法建议。
With socialistic tradition; the continental law system countries provide by legislation that representative of workers must enter board of directors and supervisory committee. 有着社会主义传统的大陆法系国家主要通过立法规定劳工代表必须进入董事会、监事会;
Advice of Legislation about Ethic Committee of Hospital 从开颅戒毒谈医疗机构医学伦理委员会管理的立法
The article chooses the legislation and practices of American, the British and the Basle Committee joint forum as the object to study. 第二章是金融集团法律监管比较研究。文章选取美国、英国以及巴塞尔委员会论坛关于金融集团监管的立法文件和实践做法,比较了其对监管体制的选择,以及具体监管制度的建构。
However, the villagers committee always encounters many obstacles such as the imperfect legislation, the intervention the local grassroots government and branch of the Party committee and the low quality of the autonomous subject. 然而,村委会在行使职能过程中,仍遇到不少障碍如法律和制度不完善、乡镇政府和村党支部干预以及村委会成员自身素质偏低等,这都影响了其职能的有效发挥。
Through the practice, analysis, with the legislation form to clear, standardize zone administration committee operation mechanism and management system, for investors in accordance with law, protect the legitimate interests of the show the importance of more and more. 通过实践分析来看,以立法的形式来明确、规范开发区管委会的运行机制和管理体制,对投资者的合法利益依法进行保护越来越显出其重要性。
A reform involving the legislation, the trial doctrine mode, the judiciary committee system, the conviction and sentencing separation system and so on is recommended. With its implementation, the existing difficulties in our criminal court sentencing system can be improved. 主要从立法方面、庭审主义模式、审判委员会制度、定罪量刑分离制度等几个方面的改革来着手解决,以期通过这些措施的实施来解决我国刑事当庭宣判制度运行过程中存在的困难。
Besides, some certain people could influence the legislation, such as the chairman of the national government, the president of the legislative committee and its members. 此外,某些具有特定身份的个人,对立法活动也产生了一定影响,如国民政府主席、立法院院长、立法委员等。
As the owners of China-related legislation on the lack of clearly defined legal status of the Commission, the owner disputes the legal status of the Committee intense and confusing, and its related practices in different parts of the dispute. 由于我国相关立法对业主委员会法律地位缺乏明确规定,以致业主委员会法律地位问题争议激烈而混乱、相关的纠纷各地做法各异。
Furthermore, it analyzes and compares overseas SPV legislation with example of the United States and Japan; and illustrates new requirements Basel Committee put forward after financial crisis. 随后,对国外关于SPV的立法进行了比较分析&以美国和日本对SPV的立法规定为实例,并就金融危机后巴塞尔委员会对SPV制度提出的新要求进行论述。
Described the owners 'committee of the Legislation and related theory, and analysis from the perspective of procedural law and substantive law, the legal relationship between the owners' committee and the relevant subjects. 阐述了业主委员会的立法规制问题及相关理论,并从诉讼法和实体法的角度分析了业主委员会与相关主体之间的法律关系。
The legislative bodies should put artificial reproductive legislation on the agenda, set up a special committee to study. 立法机构应把人工生殖立法提上日程,设置专门的委员会进行研究。